Dedicated Services | Third-Party Logistics Warehousing & Distribution Services

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Our Services

At Jones Logistics (JoLo), we're impacting the industry with each delivery by relying on our deep industry knowledge, close working relationships with customers, and our passion to reinvent what's possible. With our heritage and experience, reliability and performance became our trademark. It prepared us to answer any challenge, no matter how tough, for our customers in every industry we serve.
Jones Logistics Business Development Representative Meets With Team on Customer Satisfaction

Third-Party Logistics

Our skilled 3PL team can arrange and manage most land, air, ocean, and rail shipments. 


Jones Logistics Dedicated Fleet of Mack Trucks

Dedicated & Equipment Services

Your brand is our dedication. When you bring us a challenge, we provide a solution, even if it doesn't fit in a dry van.


Jones Logistics Offers Distribution Services Through Our Warehousing

Distribution & Warehousing

We create all-inclusive warehousing solutions that involve storing your materials and other value-add services if needed.


Customer Testimonials

"We trust Jones to make that last-mile delivery because we know they're going to communicate and execute. Our partnership has lasted over 15 years, and we're just getting going."

Robert Gierszal, Senior Vice President, United Cargo Management


"Jones manages the operations of logistics with ease and patience, which should be expected from a top-tier carrier. They are exceptional in customer-service, communication, and problem-solving. They are not without competition, but they are certainly without equal. The Jones Team is working to provide a transformational experience that goes beyond basic transportation services."

Sky Jensen, Director, Sales Operations and Project Management,
Energy Systems Southeast, LLC


“Jones Transport is one of the most reliable and trusted freight carriers we have ever worked with! their customer service is unparalleled. They are in a league all of the their own!”

Mary Plue, Project Coordinator, Kelly Generator & Equipment, Inc.


“Over the years, Jones has supported our business growth by providing unequaled service and support. Their creativity and operational excellence has allowed us to better serve our customers and continue to be a leader in our industry.”

Bill Ockelmann, Transportation Mode Manager, Generac

United Rentals Logo

"Customer service is top notch!...Once I pass loads to Jones I know I don't have to worry about anything. They always handle it."

Adam Wilson, Former Project Manager, United Rentals Matting Solutions


"I rate them at the top of my list for a Logistics company of all the ones I have worked withThey are my 1st go to for service, dedication and price."

Anthony Wall, Logistics Manager, General Dynamics

Get In Touch

If you are interested in smart, creative answers for your business, or to get a quote, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below or give us a call to talk to our team directly at 800.956.1151.

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Jones Logistics Dry Van Truck