JoLo BOLO  Instagram Post (1)We are proud to announce that not just one member, but THREE members of the Jones Logistics (JoLo) family have been selected to receive the JoLo BOLO award for the third quarter of 2022! Robert Valentine, General Manager, Angela Debate, Carrier Sales Team Lead, and Chris Williams, Manager of Operations, are being recognized for their humility, hard work, and passion for getting the job done. 

JoLo BOLO (Be on the Lookout) is a quarterly employee, nomination-based recognition program. Employees nominate their peers for exemplifying our company core values: integrity, passion, unity, sustainability, and humility. A committee of employees from various sectors of JoLo then votes on a winner.  

Robert Valentine started his journey with JoLo in 2016 as an Operations Representative. Earlier this year, Robert was promoted to General Manager of IFG. One thing that stands out about Robert is that he has always been a major advocate for those around him. “Robert has strong feelings about the way his team is treated,” commented one of his cohorts. “When a colleague was going through some personal struggles, he provided financial assistance.” Not only is Robert reliable as a JoLo employee, but he is also reliable as a friend and neighbor. 

Angela Debate has been with JoLo for nearly 4 years. A longstanding member of our Carrier Sales Team, Angela started her journey with JoLo as a Carrier Sales Representative. “This wonderful human being always shows up to work early, and ready to kick butt,” commented one of her teammates. “Shes very good at her job, and has taken on a lot of responsibility within our department to help make us successful.” This year, Angela was promoted to Carrier Sales Team Lead and continues to excel forward in her career. 

Chris Williams has been a member of the JoLo Family for nearly three years, and initially started his journey as a Carrier Sales Representative. When asked to make a statement about Chris, one of his cohorts anonymously said “Chris is without a doubt one of the best people I've met since starting here at Jones...He is critical of himself, which to me, shows he is always asking himself if something is the right choice. He is a genuine person and now a days, that is very hard to find.” 

At JoLo, we are honored to have employees like Robert, Angela, and Chris who are responsible and take initiative within their roles, but most importantly, we are honored to have employees who live out our core values to such a high degree.

Way to go, team, and thank you for being One of Jones! Are you passionate about your work? Are you looking for a change of pace? Consider applying for a job at Jones Logistics! We are always looking for A-players like Robert, Angela, and Chris. To learn more about how you can become “One of Jones,” visit our career page at To learn more about how you can drive for Jones, visit 

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